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Hash Function Learning via Codewords

TitleHash Function Learning via Codewords
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2015
AuthorsHuang Y, Georgiopoulos M, Anagnostopoulos GC
Conference NameMachine Learning and Knowledge Discovery in Databases - ECML/PKDD 2015
PublisherSpringer International Publishing
KeywordsCodeword, Hash function learning, support vector machine

In this paper we introduce a novel hash learning framework that has two main distinguishing features, when compared to past approaches. First, it utilizes codewords in the Hamming space as ancillary means to accomplish its hash learning task. These codewords, which are inferred from the data, attempt to capture similarity aspects of the data’s hash codes. Secondly and more importantly, the same framework is capable of addressing supervised, unsupervised and, even, semi-supervised hash learning tasks in a natural manner. A series of comparative experiments focused on content-based image retrieval highlights its performance advantages.


Acceptance rate 23.4% (89/380).

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